Staff at Red & Black have considerable experience in providing assistance to large companies including British American Tobacco, Wolseley plc, Cape plc and Colt Group . By dint of careful and insightful planning and by stepping around pitfalls, tax represents an opportunity to save on cost. The current reform of the corporation tax regime will offer greater opportunity to protect the UK’s tax base and help make it one of the most competitive places to do business. Red & Black offer skill in providing you with such an opportunity. No matter what the size of business, we will ensure that corporate taxes aren’t a burden and don’t hinder business performance. Our tax compliance work is competitively priced, and our business tax is pragmatic, commercial and sound.
Red & Black can assist you in the following ways:
- Tax efficient remuneration packages.
- Maximising tax reliefs.
- Planning capital expenditure.
- Rates of corporation tax.
- Taking advantage of the tax structure of your group.
- Help with a tax enquiry.
Examples of assistance provided include:
- The intangible fixed asset regime.
- Research and development.
- Capital gains and the substantial shareholding exemption.
- Deferral reliefs for replacement of business assets.
- Company purchase of own shares.
- Deferred tax.
- Property income.
- Group and consortium relief claims.
- Degrouping charges.
- Rollover relief.
- Transfers of stock to fixed assets.
- Pre-entry capital losses.
- Liquidations.
- Re-organisations.
- Permanent establishment.
- Pre-exemption losses.
- Taxation of foreign dividends.
- Worldwide debt cap.
- Sale and leaseback of land.
- Capital allowances.
- Controlled foreign companies.
- Foreign exchange.
- Double tax treaties.